permits online

Permits Available Online

Applications for the permits on this page are available online

What You Need To Do

  1. Create or Login to your account 
    1. This is required to apply for a permit online.
  2. Find the appropriate permit for you
    1. A list of online permits are available below in order of popularity as well as by Alphabetical order.
  3. Apply online with your account
    1. Can't find what you are looking for? All available online permits can be found on NY Business Express page.


Popular Permits

One-Day Alcohol Event Permit

A One-Day Alcohol Event Permit, also known as a Temporary Alcohol Permit (previously known as a One-Day Beer and Wine Permit), authorizes the sale and/or service of wine, beer, cider and liquor for consumption at a gathering for a period of 24 hours.

During the event, no alcoholic beverages sold by the permittee can consumed outside of the area that is licensed. For example, if your permit is for a tent at a fair, anyone who purchased alcohol from you must consume the alcohol in the tent and can't take remove the alcohol from the tent.

With the exception of certain Not-for-Profits, the ABC Law limits the number of One-Day Alcohol Event Permits that can be issued for a location to four permits during a 12-month period. The Authority will consider additional one-day alcohol permits for a location (not to exceed 12 for a 6-calendar month period) if a letter of no objection is provided by the municipality and police department.  The Authority will, however, monitor the number of permits being issued for a specific location to determine if the permits are being used to circumvent the need to have the location licensed. In general, if 12 permits have been issued for the same building during a 6-calendar month period, applications for any additional permits may be denied.

Licensees and members of the general public can apply for a One-Day Alcohol Event Permit.

Navigate to the proper permit type by using the search function New York Business Express website. When you are brought to the page during this process, you will see an Index search function. This is where you can find the appropriate permit type.

One-Day Alcohol Event Permit Fee: $36 per point of sale, per day

Apply here

Catering Permit

A Catering Permit is a one-day permit that authorizes currently licensed on-premises retailers to provide alcoholic beverages at specific, private events located off the premises. The applicant must provide food, in addition to alcoholic beverages at the event. Applicants may not cater for themselves.

Catering Permit for Club Licensees authorizes a club licensee to provide alcoholic beverages to members only for use at events located off the licensed premises.

The application for a Catering Permit must be received by the Liquor Authority a minimum of 15 business days prior to the event.

Food must be provided by the applicant, meeting the minimum requirements under the ABC Law, for example: salads, soups, sandwiches, finger foods. Pretzels and potato chips do not meet minimum requirements for food.

Only active on-premises retail licensees can apply for a Catering Permit.

Catering Permit and Catering Permit for Club Licensees Fee: $48 per point of sale, per day

Apply here

Marketing Permit

A Marketing Permit authorizes a licensed manufacturer or wholesaler, or an unlicensed out-of-state supplier or a licensed in-state supplier to:

  • Conduct tastings and provide samples of the permit holders' products to consumers;
  • Accept orders from licensed retailers on behalf of a wholesaler licensed in NYS authorized to sell such product at wholesale; and
  • Sell their products by the bottle to consumers during tastings


A Marketing Permit can be used at the following events/locations:

  • An establishment licensed to sell at retail the alcoholic beverages that will be tasted (i.e. liquor store, bar, restaurant);
  • The State Fair, recognized county fairs and farmers markers operated on a not-for-profit basis; and
  • Outdoor and indoor gatherings, functions, occasions or events sponsored by a bona fide charitable organization

In order to use the Marketing Permit for other indoor or outdoor events not listed above, the Authority must be notified at least 15 days before the event and grant approval for the use of the permit at the particular function.

Marketing Permits may only be used at events where no fee is charged by the supplier or wholesaler to a consumer attending or participating in the event. Each sample given at the event must be limited to 3 oz. or less for beer, wine products and cider, to 2 oz. for wine and to 1/4 oz. for liquor. Liquor and wine used for tastings do not have to be price posted items, however, liquor and wine sold by the bottle must be price posted.

The supplier of the alcoholic beverages at the event must obtain a Transportation Permit or use a company that has a transportation permit in order to transport the alcoholic beverages to the event site. Manufacturers can use a car owned by the manufacturing company.

Out-of-state suppliers and licensed in-state wholesalers and manufacturers can apply for a Marketing Permit.

One-Time Tasting Permit Fee: $25

Three-Year Tasting Permit Fee: $395

Apply here for a one-time tasting permit



Online Permits Alphabetically Listed

Aircraft Permit

An Aircraft Permit authorizes an aircraft company to purchase alcoholic beverages from a duly licensed manufacturer or wholesaler for consumption outside the territorial jurisdiction of New York State. A copy of the permit must be delivered to each manufacturer and wholesaler from whom purchases are made.

The alcoholic beverages purchased under the Aircraft Permit can not be offered for sale or sold in New York State. The alcoholic beverages must be delivered directly to the aircraft of the permittee or to a warehouse for which a warehouse permit has been issued by the Liquor Authority. Only alcoholic beverages in the original sealed contained which comply with the provisions of the law with respect to labels and sizes of containers can be purchased.

You must own and operate or charter and operate the aircraft to be eligible to apply for an Aircraft Permit.

One-Time Aircraft Permit Fee:  $36

Three-Year Aircraft Permit Fee: $788

Apply here (One-Time)


Alcohol Permit

An Alcohol Permit authorizes the purchase and use of alcohol by the superintendent, or duly authorized officer of a hospital, museum, laboratory, art, charitable, educational or similar public institution, or by a drug store, a licensed physician, dentist, veterinarian, optometrist, chiropodist, or to a manufacturing establishment using alcohol in its processes of manufacture.

Three-Year Alcohol Permit Fee: $38

Apply here

All Night Permits

An All Night Permit authorizes current on-premises licensees to remain open to sell alcoholic beverages between the closing hour prescribed by statue or by the county government and 8AM on New Year's Eve. The application for this permit must be received by the Liquor Authority 45 days prior to the date of the event (November 16th). Under the law, all Night Permits can not be issued for a Sunday.

As New Year’s Day (January 1, 2025) does not fall on a weekday, All Night Permits allowing establishments to stay open until 8:00 am cannot be issued pursuant to section 99 of the ABC Law. Licensed establishments will be required to adhere to the approved closing hour printed on their license or the closing hour in the County in which they are located.

Notice of the Licensee’s intent to apply for the permit must be sent to the local police department, or if there is no local police department, to the County’s Sheriff Department and such notice must also be sent to the Local Community Board (if applicable).  Proof that the notice was mailed to both must be included with application.

Only active on-premises retail licensees can apply for an All Night Permit.

NOTE: In deciding whether to issue the permit, the Authority will consider the licensee's disciplinary history (including pending charges) and whether, given the nature of the event, the licensee has adequate facilities and security plans in place. The Authority's Licensing Bureau will make a decision on each application within 10 business days of filing. If the Licensing Bureau denies the application, the licensee can request a review of the decision by a Member of the Authority. Such requests should be sent to the Office of Counsel at the Authority's Albany office. A Member of the Authority will review the decision and make a final determination within 10 business days of receipt of the request.

All Night Permit Fee: $61 per licensed premises.


Banking Permit

A Banking Permit authorizes a bank or trust company organized under the banking law or a foreign banking corporation licensed by the superintendent of banks of this state or a banking corporation organized under the laws of the United States and doing business in this state to sell warehouse receipts pertaining to alcoholic beverages which it accepted as collateral security for a loan to a license, and which it acquired through default in payment of such loan.

Banking Permit Fee: $36

Apply here

Bottling Permit

A Bottling Permit authorizes a NYS licensed liquor or wine wholesaler to conduct bottling, recasking, filtering or clarifying operations.

Bottling Permit Fee: $4,820

Apply here

Brewer Tasting Permit

A Brewer Tasting Permit authorizes a licensee or his/her employee, a brewer or manufacturer, or an importer having a basic permit to obtain a permit to serve small samples of beer or malt beverages they produce or import at establishments licensed in NYS to sell beer at retail for on or off premises consumption. A Brewer Tasting Permit can also be used for serving small samples at annual fairs and the licensed premises of the holder of a beer wholesaler's license.

Licensees, brewers, manufacturers or importers can apply for a Brewer Tasting Permit.

One-Time Brewer Tasting Permit: $20

Annual Brewer Tasting Permit: $1,000

Apply here (One-Time)

Apply Here (Annual)

Charitable Permits

A Charitable Permit is a one-time permit that authorizes a charitable, religious, civic or educational organization to sell alcoholic beverages, at auction. All alcoholic beverages sold must be in a sealed container and may not be consumed on the premises at the event. No more than 80 cases can be sold.

The funds raised by the sale of alcoholic beverages with a Charitable Permit must be used for non-profit purposes of the organization. The application must provide a statement as to how alcoholic beverages are to be acquired: purchase, gift or otherwise.

Licensees and members of the public can apply for a Charitable Permit, but only on the behalf of a charitable, religious, civic or educational organization.

Charitable Permit Fee: $20

Apply here

Drug Store Permit

A Drug Store Permit authorizes the permittee to sell liquor or wine in the original sealed package for off-premises consumption only upon a written prescription by a regularly licensed physician and in the quantity not exceeding one pint of liquor and one quart of wine.

Drug Store Permit: $173

Apply Here

Entertainer - Minor Permit

An Entertainer - Minor Permit authorizes a permittee under the age of 18, with the consent of a parent or legal guardian, to appear as an entertainer on a premises licensed to sell alcoholic beverages at retail. This permit is only valid on the date or dates specified and at the licensed premises specified.

No Fee

Apply here

Fire Insurance - Salvage Company Permit

A Fire Insurance Permit authorizes a fire insurance or salvage company under the supervision of the NYS Department of Insurance to sell to licensees alcoholic beverages which came into its possession as a result of a fire on a licensed premises.

Fire Insurance Permit Fee: $30

Apply here

Homemade Wine Tasting Function Permit

A Homemade Wine Tasting Function Permit authorizes a not-for-profit organization to conduct a tasting and/or competition for wines made by non-licensed individuals for personal or family use. Only one such permit may be issued to the not-for-profit organization during any calendar year.

There will be no charge to attendees of the event, either for the wine tastings or for admission into the event. Voluntary donations or charges for food souvenirs, etc. are all permissible.

Homemade Wine Tasting Function Permit Fee: $20

Apply here

Hospital Permit

A Hospital Permit authorizes a hospital to purchase liquor, wine or beer for medicinal use only in the treatment of bona fide patients of such hospital.

Hospital Permit Fee: $98

Apply here

Industrial Alcohol Permit

An Industrial Alcohol Permit authorizes the permittee to purchase alcohol intended for use in the manufacture and sale of any of the following when they are unfit for beverage purchases:

  • Denatured alcohol purchased and used pursuant to acts of Congress and regulations promulgated thereunder;
  • Patent, proprietary, medicinal, pharmaceutical, antiseptic and toilet preparations;
  • Flavoring extracts, syrups and food products; and
  • Scientific, chemical, mechanical and industrial products

Industrial Alcohol Permit Fee: $212

Apply here

Industrial Alcohol Manufacturer - Fuel Only Permit

An Industrial Alcohol Manufacturer - Fuel Only Permit authorizes the permittee to manufacture alcohol intended for use and/or used for the manufacture of ethanol from biomass feedstock for use as fuel (including but not limited to motor fuel, heating fuel or fuel for process heat).

No more than 100,000 gallons can be manufactured annually for the use as a fuel. The ethanol manufactured must be for the permittee's personal use as fuel.

No Fee

Apply here

Industrial Alcohol Manufacturer Permit

An Industrial Alcohol Manufacturer Permit authorizes the permittee to manufacture alcohol intended for use and/or used for the following purposes:

  • For scientific, chemical, mechanical, industrial, medicinal and culinary purposes;
  • For use by those authorized to procure alcohol tax-free, as provided by the acts of Congress and regulations promulgated thereunder;
  • In the manufacture of denatured alcohol as provided by the acts of Congress and regulations promulgated thereunder;
  • In the manufacture of patented, parent, proprietary, medicinal, pharmaceutical, antiseptic, toilet, scientific, chemical, mechanical and industrial preparations or products, unfit for beverage purposes; and
  • In the manufacture of flavoring extracts and syrups, unfit for beverage purposes

Industrial Alcohol Manufacturer Permit Fee: $2,420

Apply here

Institute of Higher Education Permit

An Institute of Higher Education Permit authorizes an institution of higher education operating under authority granted by the State Education Department, to deliver or cause to be delivered alcohol beverages to a person who is at least 21 years of age enrolled in classes authorized by the institution of higher education and conducted by an instructor(s) engaged by the institution of higher education, provided that such person's tasting of alcoholic beverages is a required part of the class for instructional purposes.

One-Time Institute of Higher Education Permit Fee: $36

Annual Institute of Higher Education Permit Fee: $276

Apply here (One-Time)

Apply Here (Annual)

Lienor Permit

A Lienor Permit authorizes a warehouseman, railroad company, steamship company or other person who has acquired a lien pursuant to the law for the storage or carriage of alcoholic beverages, to sell such alcoholic beverages to a licensee. A Lienor Permit is valid for one transaction only.

Lienor Permit Fee: $36

Apply here

Manufacturer of Non-Beverage Products Permit

A Manufacturer of Non-Beverage Products Permit authorizes the manufacturer of non-beverage products to purchase liquor, wine or beer from duly licenses manufacturers and wholesalers for use in the process of the manufacture of such products.

One-Time Manufacturer of Non-Beverage Products Permit Fee: $36

Three-Year Manufacturer of Non-Beverage Products Permit Fee: $788

Apply here (One-Time)

Apply Here (Three-Year)

Negotiator Permit

A Negotiator Permit allows authorized representatives of the applicant to negotiate and consummate an agreement for the establishment of an operating agency relationship for the distribution in New York State of the products of an out-of-state manufacturer or wholesaler. A Negotiator Permit can't be used to offer for sale, solicit or accept any order in New York State for the sale of any alcoholic beverages.

Negotiations can only be with a wholesaler who is authorized under their license to keep and offer for sale such alcoholic beverages.

One-Time Negotiator Permit Fee: $36

Three-Year Negotiator Permit Fee: $620

apply here (One-time)

Apply Here (Three-Year)

Plenary Miscellaneous Permit

A Plenary Miscellaneous Permit authorizes the permittee to purchase, receive or sell alcoholic beverages or receipts, certificates, contracts or other documents pertaining to alcoholic beverages, in cases not otherwise expressly provided for by this chapter, when in the judgment of the Authority would be appropriate and consistent with the purpose of this chapter.

The Executive Deputy Commissioner or the Deputy Commissioner of Licensing may authorize the issuance of the plenary permit under ABCL 99-b (1)(k) when the facts supporting the need for such permit are not likely to reoccur and the facts and circumstances are not generally considered explicitly in the ABC Law.  Prior to applying for this permit the applicant must e-mail [email protected] setting forth details regarding the need for the plenary permit.  The details will be reviewed by the Executive Deputy Commissioner or the Deputy Commissioner of Licensing to determine if the applicant qualifies for such permit. Failure by the applicant to submit a request may result in the application being denied.

Plenary Miscellaneous Permit Fee: $30

Apply here

Plenary Miscellaneous For Marketing Research Testing Permit

A Plenary Miscellaneous for Marketing Research Testing Permit authorizes market research companies to conduct a tasting for market research. Permits will only be issued for each approved date. The application for this permit must be filed 30 days prior to the scheduled market research test.

Plenary Miscellaneous for Marketing Research Testing Permit Fee: $30

Apply here

Reconditioning Permit

A Reconditioning Permit authorizes the permittee to recondition liquor and/or wine manufactured outside New York State and filter, clarify, rebottle, label, relabel or repack such liquor or wine. This permit is valid for one day only.

Reconditioning Permit Fee: $26

Apply here

Sheriff Marshall, Receiver, Executor, Assignee Permit

A Sheriff Marshall, Receiver, Executor, Assignee Permit authorizes the permittee to sell alcoholic beverages which came into the applicant's possession pursuant to a judicial process. This permit is valid for one transaction only.

Sheriff Marshall, Receiver, Executor, Assignee Permit Fee: $36

Apply here

Taxicab Delivery Permit

A Taxicab Delivery Permit authorizes a duly licensed taxicab to deliver only wine or liquor sold at retail in cities having a population of one million or less.

Taxicab Delivery Permit Fee: $71

Apply here

Trucking Permit (Individual)

A Trucking Permit authorizes the permittee to transport alcoholic beverages.

You must submit an authorization form and a $1,000 penal bond with your application.

Trucking Permit Fee: $173 per truck

Apply here

Trucking Permit (Fleet)

A Fleet Trucking Permit authorizes the permittee to transport alcoholic beverages in any and all vehicles owned or hired, and operated by the permittee. A Fleet Permit allows the licensee to register all vehicles under a blanket permit without having to provide detailed information on each vehicle and allow adding and removing of vehicles without notification to the Liquor Authority.

You must submit an authorization form and a $1,000 penal bond with your application.

Fleet Trucking Permit Fee: $6,420

Apply here

Trucking Permit (Fleet Company)

A Fleet Company Permit authorizes a New York State licensed manufacturer or wholesaler a company permit to cover any and all vehicles over 65,000 pounds hired or contracted for a term. In lieu of the sign required to be affixed to each vehicle, the holder of the company permit may have in the cab of such hired or contracted vehicle a copy of the permit, noting the time and date alcoholic beverages departed the company and the intended delivery time and date of destination of its company permit issues by the Authority.

You must submit an authorization form and a $1,000 penal bond with your application.

You must have a wholesale license to apply for a Fleet Company Permit.

Fleet Company Permit Fee: $6,420

Apply here

Warehouse Permit

A Warehouse Permit authorizes the permittee to store alcoholic beverages in a location other than in a licensed premises.

Warehouse Permit Fee: $788

Apply here


All Other Permits

The following permits are NOT available online:

  • Temporary Operating Permit
  • Liquidator's Permit
  • Solicitor Permit
  • Sunday On-Premises Sales Permit
  • Wine/Liquor Auction Permit
  • Miscellaneous Permits: Bottling, Hotel Off-Premises, Plenary Miscellaneous-Storage Off Season, Sale of Wine at Retail (wholesale) and sale of wine at retail (winery), Alcoholic Beverage Education, Craft Beverage Tasting Event, Distributor's Alcohol (A,B,C,D), Home Wine Making Center, Retail Beer Function and Wine Products

You can apply for these permits using the PDF applications provided at the link below.

All Other Permits

Permits Terms and Conditions

Permit Authorization and Notification Forms

Permit Fee Schedule

There are over 30 different types of permits issued by the New York State Liquor Authority.  The term and fee for each permit varies by permit type.  Some permits are only available for 24 hours, while others are issued on an annual basis or for a multi-year period.  For multi-year permits, the fee an applicant pays may be pro-rated based on when the permit is applied for.  Please refer to our Permit Fee Schedule that includes: the type of permit; fee schedule; fee; non-refundable filing fee, along with totals for more information.

Permit Fee Schedule

You are required to read the terms and conditions for the permit you apply for and sign the Applicant/Principal Authorization Form to certify that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions.

You can complete and submit your application and payment online using the New York State License Center: 


Apply here

Contact the Licensing Bureau

Contact the Licensing Bureau for all matters related to the licensing application process, temporary retail permits and liquidator permits. 

Contact the Permit Unit for all matters related to permits with the exception of temporary retail and liquidator permits, as referenced above.  

Contact the Renewal Unit for all matters related to the renewal process.

If you have questions about the status of your application, using your serial number or Application ID, please check our website:

Contact us by phone:

Press "1", then "2" for refund or surrender of a license518-474-3114
Press "1", then "3" for licensing assistance518-474-3114


For Your Awareness: Experiencing Issues With Permit Portal


***Regarding the portal claiming process, we have found that in some instances people are entering incorrect information for the legal name, entity and/or FEINs.  As a result, we are in the process of adding some instructional text to the portal itself to help guide the applicant when entering data.

Additionally, we are fixing a bug that relates to SSNs and FEINs.

Lastly, there is some incomplete data that transferred over to the new system that our team is actively working on updating.***



Important Information on SLA Technological Upgrades

On October 10, 2023, the State Liquor Authority (SLA) launched the first phase of our new Licensing and Compliance database, LEAP (Licensing, Enforcement, and Administrative Procedures).   In addition, the SLA is also launching an updated and more user-friendly online portal to apply for permits.

While applicants and representatives will not notice major changes in the application process during this initial phase, and applications must still be mailed to the P.O Box, the following changes are important for our applicants and representatives to understand:

The agency’s primary means of communication with applicants, licensees, attorneys, and representatives will now be through email.

License certificates will now be issued via email. However, depending on when the application was submitted, applicants may still receive their license certificate in the mail after October 10th. Applicants receiving their license certificate via email must print the certificate and post it appropriately.

New Application/License IDs

New applicants will now receive an Application ID when their application is booked and pending. Once the application is approved, a new License ID will be assigned to the business.

Existing licensees will be assigned a new License ID automatically on October 10th.  Please note, your current Serial Number and license certificate is STILL valid – there is no action needed to be taken – and staff will be able to retrieve your information with your current Serial number. Current licensees will receive their new License ID number at renewal, or earlier in the case of a corporate change, etc.

New Permits Portal: our enhanced permits portal went live on October 10th

Permit applications completed by 5:00 P.M. on October 5th – meaning the applicant has completed all fields of the application, submitted payment, and received a PDF receipt of their application – will be transferred into the new permit portal.

Permit applications that are not completed by 5:00 P.M. on October 5th (i.e. applications started and saved, but not completed) will NOT be transferred into the new permit portal – and applicants will need to restart and submit the application on the new portal. 

To submit a new permit application, customers click on New York Business Express (NYBE) and use the “Search Applications” option.

Please see our video tutorials and Customer User Manual for detailed instructions on how to apply for new permits, amend existing permits, and renew expiring permits.

If further assistance is needed while using the online permit processing website, please call 518-474-3114 (option 1-3).


Video Tutorials