Local govt

Local Governments

Local governments and community boards may submit recommendations, request stipulations and make complaints regarding licenses.

Local governments must be notified of all on-premises license applications in their neighborhoods before, or at the same time the application is submitted to the Authority. Applicants must include proof of notice with their application for a license. The notice requirement is intended to provide local municipalities and community boards with an opportunity to make their views known to the State Liquor Authority.  As part of the FY 2025 State Budget, the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law was amended to allow applicants to provide notice to their municipality or community board at the same time as submitting an application to the Authority, provided the application can not be acted upon for 30 days.

Information on email notifications can be found here. 

When a local municipality or community board submits an opinion, either in favor of or against granting the license, this opinion becomes part of the record used by the Authority in deciding whether to approve the application. While not binding on the Members, the Authority considers input from local governments in all licensing decisions. However, for applications not subject to the 500 Foot Law, community opposition alone is not sufficient to disapprove an application.

Local municipalities and community boards may also work with licensees to place stipulations on a license. If the municipality or community board and the applicant reach an agreement with respect to the operation of the establishment, the Authority can incorporate these conditions or stipulations into the application. These stipulations then become conditions of the license privilege, and the licensee will face disciplinary action if they fail to comply .

What You Need to Know
Community Input
New Licenses

Municipalities and Community Boards may submit a recommendation in favor of, or against granting a license. The recommendation becomes part of the record used by the Authority in deciding whether to approve the application.  


Nearly all renewal applications that are complete and sent to the Authority before the expiration date are renewed.  Unsubstantiated allegations of misconduct or violations that could lead to the termination of a liquor license are a function of the Authority’s disciplinary process. 


Stipulations are agreements that a licensee makes with the community on matters including operating hours, live music, outdoor seating, etc. If a municipality or Community Board and the applicant reach an agreement, the Authority can incorporate these stipulations into the license.

Enforcement Contact Local Law Enforcement for Immediate Assistance

The SLA's Enforcement Bureau is responsible for investigating violations and enforcing the ABC Law.
More Information
500 Foot Hearings
The 500 Foot Law

The 500 Foot Law prohibits the Authority from issuing an on-premises retail license for the sale and/or consumption of liquor to any premises located within 500 feet of 3 establishments that are currently operating with on-premises liquor licenses.


If a location is subject to the 500 Foot Law, the Authority must consult with the municipality or Community Board and conduct a 500 Foot Hearing to gather facts to determine whether the public interest would be served by issuing the license. 


If there is no opposition to the application, the application is acted on by the Authority's Licensing Bureau. In cases where the Community Board or other interested parties oppose the application, the matter is referred to the Members of the Authority for determination.

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There are 59 Community Boards throughout all five boroughs of New York City. Get involved and find your local Community Board today!