Manufacturing Facility

Become a Manufacturer or Wholesaler

Become a Manufacturer or Wholesaler
Manufacturing & Wholesale Licenses

Wholesale and Manufacturer licenses are distinguished by the type of alcoholic beverage being sold. Licensed retailers may only purchase alcoholic beverages from a licensed wholesaler, a licensed manufacturer or, in the case of wine and liquor, from privately held collections. Wholesalers and manufacturers must obtain a federal permit to operate.

Licensed manufacturers can distribute their products through licensed wholesalers and/or sell directly to licensed retailers. Certain manufacturers have the ability to conduct retail operations at their licensed premises. 

"Micro" licenses allow for the same privileges as the standard licensed, but have reduced licensing fees and limits on the amount that can be produced. "Farm" manufacturers are also limited in the amount of production, and must produce alcoholic beverages made from New York State grown ingredients.


What You Need to Know
Becoming a Licensed Manufacturer or Wholesaler
The Application Process

The application review period can vary depending on the type of license you apply for, the volume of applications received by the Authority, and the completeness of your application. Any deficiencies or inaccuracies in your application may result in processing delays, or the disapproval of your application.  We encourage you to file an application with us as soon as you can.  

Price Posting

Liquor and wine sold in New York State are subject to price posting. Price posting is the filing of a schedule with the prices at which manufacturers and wholesalers will sell their products. With the exception of wineries, new price schedules for wholesale and retail must be posted each month.

Brand Labeling

All alcoholic beverages sold in New York State must have a brand label on the container; that brand label must be registered with and approved by the Authority. Brand Label Registration is required for all liquor, beer, wine products, cider and wine specialties sold in New York State.

Manufacturing or Wholesale License

Allows a business to produce alcoholic beverages and wholesale the alcoholic beverages they produce. Manufacturers include craft beverage producers.


Allows a business to sell alcohol at wholesale to New York State licensed wholesalers or retailers. Allows a person to import alcoholic beverages to sell to New York State licensed wholesalers.

Temporary Permit
Temporary Operating Permit Application for Manufacturers
The Temporary Operating Permit Application for Manufacturers should be used by applicants to obtain a permit to operate while the application is pending. 
If You Already Applied
Check Your License Status
You can check your license application status at any time during the application process to see if your application has been approved or disapproved.
Manufacturer's Quick Reference