File a complaint

File a Complaint


The Authority receives complaints from law enforcement agencies, governmental agencies, community groups, industry members, elected officials and the public. Licensees should also report any non-compliance with the ABC Law and SLA rules regarding their operations. Complaints made by law enforcement agencies are forwarded to Counsel's Office for review, and all other complaints are referred to the Enforcement Bureau for investigation. 

All complaints made about a licensed establishment are investigated by the Enforcement Bureau. Community members who make complaints are not entitled to receive updates about their complaint or any information concerning an ongoing investigation.

File a Complaint Online

Self Report a violation

Licensees should report any non-compliance with the ABC Law and SLA rules regarding their operations. Licensees who self report violations benefit by displaying good faith, trust and a commitment to compliance and working with the Authority. Licensees who self report frequently avoid lengthy and costly investigations. The Authority ensures that licensees who self report violations receive significantly reduced penalties in any disciplinary actions that begin as a result of the reporting.

Self reporting should take place soon after the licensee discovers the non-compliance. Reporting after the Authority has begun an investigation will not be deemed self reporting but merely cooperation. Additionally, self reporting that is selective and not complete may not receive full consideration in disciplinary matters.

Police Department Referrals

Law enforcement agencies have a duty to report to the Authority when there has been an arrest at a licensed premises for: gambling activity, illicit drug activity, prostitution activity, a breach of the peace, a crime of a violent nature, or a crime of weapons possession. These reports are referred to as Police Department Referrals (PDRs). 

When a PDR is received, it is forwarded to Counsel's Office for review. Based on the facts alleged and the sufficiency of the evidence, Counsel's Office will either bring a disciplinary proceeding, refer the matter to the Enforcement Bureau for further investigation or close the case.


Police Department Referral Forms

Contact the Enforcement Bureau

Contact the Enforcement Bureau if you would like to make a complaint about an establishment or have questions on enforcement issues.

Contact us by phone:

Press "2" to speak with an enforcement officer:518-474-3114

Contact us by email: