ABC Law Commision
A temporary state commission, known as the “Commission to Study Reform of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law” was created as part of the enacted fiscal year (FY) 2023 New York State Budget. The law tasked the Commission with discussing a statutorily prescribed range of topics and with voting whether to recommend or not recommend legislative changes to the ABC Law and other changes relative to those topics. The law additionally tasked the Commission with reporting on various statutorily prescribed economic impact matters related to the alcoholic beverage industry.
This report includes the votes and individual Commission Member comments on each proposal, including those receiving a majority vote as recommendations of the Commission for legislative consideration, and proposals that fell short of a majority vote.
The SLA is appreciative for the opportunity to preside over this Commission and to host the report of the Commission on our agency’s website. The final report, including addendums can be found below.